- 07:00 hrs -Breakfast
- 08:15 hrs -Bus to Leave for Hong Kong PolyU
- 09:30 hrs -To be seated
- 09:45 hrs -Musical Performance
- 10:20 hrs -Arrival of Guest-of-Honor (PolyU)
- 10:30 hrs -Cultural Performance (PolyU)
- 10:50 hrs -Welcome Address by Miss Janice Leong Humanitarian Affairs Asia, Regional Director
- 11:10 hrs -Address by President (PolyU) Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 11:30 hrs -Opening Address by G.O.H.
- 12:00 hrs -Official Opening Ceremony
- 12:05 hrs -Presentation of Memento to Supporting Partners
- 12:15 hrs -Lunch Reception
- 13:45 hrs -Delegate to be Seated
- 14:00 hrs -Keynote Address by United Nations
- 15:30 hrs -Tea Reception
- 16:15 hrs -Delegate to be Seated
- 16:30 hrs -Thinking Beyond Yourself by Geraldine Cox Founder of Sunrise Children Village, Cambodia
- 18:00 hrs -End of Session
- 18:30 hrs -Bus to Leave for Hotel
- 07:00 hrs -Breakfast
- 08:00 hrs -Bus to Leave for Hong Kong PolyU
- 09:00 hrs -To be seated
- 09:15 hrs -Image Management by Sonia Samtani Founder & Director Sonia Samtani Ltd
- 10:45 hrs -Tea Reception
- 11:20 hrs -To be seated
- 11:30 hrs -Speaking With Confidence by Brian Hodgson Founder & TrainerPublic Speaking Hong Kong
- 13:00 hrs -Lunch reception
- 13:50 hrs -Delegate to be seated
- 14:00 hrs -Goal Setting by Mush Panjwani Founder of Dinchack
- 15:30 hrs -Tea Reception
- 16:15 hrs -Delegate to be seated
- 16:30 hrs -Chasing Your Dreams by Lee Seunghee Recording Artist and Producer
- 17:45 hrs -Breafing of Learning Journey
- 18:45 hrs -Bus to leave for Hotel
- 07:00 hrs -Breakfast
- 08:30 hrs -Bus to leave for Learning Journey
- 17:00 hrs -Return to Hotel