Roy Sammartino简历
Roy Sammartino,Toys "R" Us中国区总经理,Roy Sammartino, managing director of Toys "R" Us China, said: "China is our fastest-growing market with more store openings than anywhere else in the world." Toys "R" Us had two online stores and 134 physical stores in 55 cities in China by the end of April. The retailer has 883 stores in the United States, Puerto Rico and Guam, and 795 international stores and 254 licensed stores in 37 countries and regions. Sammartino said due to the special nature of its business, where consumers want to touch the products, there has to be a mix of online and offline business to provide customers with the easiest way to shop. The managing director launched the limited toy Redeco Optimus Prime from the Transformers 5: The Last Knight movie in Beijing and Guangzhou last week, with live streaming on its store on Tmall, the leading online shopping platform in China.