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Training QualificationsContract Lecturer in Five Major Training InstitutionsCIPT International Certified Professional TrainersFour-colors Personality Analysis(FPA) Authorized LecturerXiman color Authorized Trainer
Professional Experience8 years' experience of training manager in a well-known multinational media companyMore than 10 years training experience19 years' experience of management in foreign company12 years' experience of sales management10 years' experience of personal image management consultant
Jenny对每个人充满着热情、真挚和细腻的关怀,最擅长的就是与人沟通并有着完美的技巧。20年外企的工作经历、以及数百场培训演讲的历练,使得Jenny在培训中潜移默化地运用自己的经验和见解,让学员在快乐中学习、在反思中成长。2004年至今,Jenny用了10多年时间,全面系统地研究关于“色彩”分别表现在人们Inside & Outside的奇妙关系,不但让学员在外在形象上更注重传递职业感,更让学员能够快速掌握处理或解决人际关系中的困惑与冲突的技能。
Training StyleJenny is full of enthusiasm, sincere and delicate concern for everyone, and she has a perfect communication skills. Nearly 20 years' experience in foreign company, 12 years' experience of sales management and hundreds of training lectures which make Jenny use her experiences and insights imperceptibly. So that students can learn in a happy and reflection environment. Since 2004, Jenny spent 10 years to comprehensively and systematically study the wonderful relationship which "color" showed in people's Inside & Outside. Not only make students more professional in external image, and also make students master the skills to deal with confusion and conflict in interpersonal relations.
Specialized CourseProfessional Visual Image Management, Explanation of Etiquette, Business Communication, Stress Relief and Emotional Management, Quality Customer Service, Time Management, Excellent Reception of Wisdom Collection, Assistant Secretary of the Foundation of Professional Practice Skills, Effective Presentation Skills, Character color Code, Five code of charming women etc.
Broadway上海总部坐落于上海地标性建筑——浦东陆家嘴。聚焦国内国际最新政策信息、投资信息等,为企业提供全面资讯和商业情报讯息。Broadway通过与全国各行业权威专家共同合作,现已成为专业人士首选方案提供商。鲍纬咨询专业会议包括Broadway所组织的各级别各类型专业研讨会、讲座、专题培训及大中型论坛和峰会。听众可以在Broadway的专业会议上得到对开展当前业务至关重要的信息和来自业内专家学者的及时深度解析。而对于公司的高级管理者和商业领袖们来说, Broadway的专业会议还提供了与其他行业同行交流经验与研讨的平台。我们为相关行业协会、企业、学会组织及政府部门策划组织超过150人的大中型峰会和颁奖活动,也经常就专业领域专题内容举办50人以下的培训和讲座。
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