第二届石油化工和节能减排国际研讨会(PECER 2018)
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- 会议日程
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第二届石油化工和节能减排国际研讨会(PECER 2018)已过期
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票 |
领取方式:会前快递 |
发票内容:会议费/会议注册费 |
参会凭证:现场凭电话姓名参会 |
PetrochemicalPetroleum and Petrochemical Engineering Fossil TechnologiesGeomechanics and Rock PhysicsGeology and GeochemistryReservoir CharacterizationReservoir FluidsReservoir GeophysicsOil & Gas ExplorationEnergy Management and Environmental IssuesOffshore TechnologyHydrocarbons Recovery MechanismsOil & Gas ProductionEnhanced Oil RecoveryOil & Gas Processing, Storage and TransportationPipelines & TankersLNG TransportationPetroleum Safety OperationsInternational and National TransportationDownstream Technologies Petrochemical ProcessesPlant Performance and OptimizationChemicals ProductionRefining Technologies and Plant InspectionPetrochemical Technologies and ProductsChemical Industry Technologiesand ProductsChemical Industry Safety OperationsRenewable Energy Sources and TechnologyEnergy Management SystemsWell DrillingBiomass Energy and Geothermal Resources Energy InfrastructureEnvironmental Impacts of Oil & Gas IndustryOil Recovery and Waste Control and Management Investing in Gas and Oil sectorEconomics of Oil & Gas SectorOil & Gas ManagementEnergy Conservation and Emissions ReductionEnergy planning studiesEnergy saving and emissions reduction in industriesEnergy intensive industriesSustainable transportation and transport integrationEnergy investment feasibilityCost reduction and less emissionTraffic and transportationPetroleum & Natural Gas EngineeringCombustion and gasificationCombined Heat and Power SystemsHydrogen energy production, storage and transmissionAir pollution and its effects on ecosystemsEnvironmental managementEnvironmental risk AnalysisClimate and global changeDesign and natureEconomic and efficient energy systemsEnvironmental managementEnvironmental impact from the use of energyArchitectural issuesEnergy resources and EnvironmentEnvironmental and ecological policiesGlobal change, climate and biodiversityEnvironmental Education and Impact on society, the economy and employmentIndoor Air Quality in Offices and HousesInternational strategy for energy, development and environmentLandscape and forestation issuesEducation on Socio-economic aspects of energyForestationLand use and management
(最终日程以会议现场为准)详细版日程将在会前一个月左右发布,并通知所有作者。简版日程如下: | ||||
9月15日 | 9月16日 | 9月17日 | 9月18日 | |
8:30-10:00 | 特邀专家报告 | 口头报告 | 会后一日游(自费) | |
10:00-10:20 | 茶歇 | 茶歇 | ||
10:20-12:00 | 特邀专家报告 | 口头报告 | ||
14:00-16:00 | 注册 | 特邀专家报告 | ||
16:00-16:20 | 茶歇 | |||
16:20-18:00 | 特邀专家报告 |
Package A: | 仅参会(无报告) | USD 400 (RMB 2400) |
Package B: | 参会 + 摘要报告 | USD 450 (RMB 2700) |
Package C: | 参会 + 全文发表 + 报告 | USD 600 (RMB 3600) |
参会费包含内容:1. 可参加所有会场2. 会议期间午餐(9月16,17日)3. 会议期间晚餐(9月16日晚)4. 会议期间茶歇5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本
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每消费1元累积1个会员积分。 仅PC站支持。
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根据会员等级的不同,每抵用1元可使用的积分也不一样,具体可参见PLUS会员页面。 仅PC站支持。