◆ 会议时间:2019年9月17-21日 ◆ 会议地点:荷兰 马斯特里赫特
◆ 会议简介:
2019年第3届欧洲新生儿学会团体联合大会(jENS 2019)将于2019年9月17-21日在荷兰马斯特里赫特举行。全议由 欧洲儿科研究协会(ESPR)、欧洲新生儿和围产期协会联盟(UENPS)和欧洲新生儿护理基金会(EFCNI)联合举办。大会将重点介绍目前该领域最先进的科学研究和临床护理方案,涵盖最先进的基础和临床研究到以患者为中心的护理和临床指南。一个由120多位国际领先专家组成的小组将将回顾一些热点话题,如早产儿的稳定、新生儿神经保护、新生儿超声心动图检查、新生儿胃肠病学和营养学以及非侵入性呼吸支持等等。
The congress will highlight the most advanced scientific research and clinical care programmes available nowadays. Covering state-of-the-art basic and clinical research to patient-centred care and clinical guidelines, a panel of more than 120 leading international experts will review hot topics such as stabilisation of the preterm infant, neonatal neuroprotection, infant-family-centred developmental care, neonatologist-performed echocardiography, neonatal gastroenterology and nutrition as well as non-invasive support and ventilation, just to mention a few.
Networking and interactivity between speakers, attendees, key opinion leaders, industry and organising societies will be the focus of jENS 2019. Innovative and interactive tools such as a specially-designed app, live broadcasts, e-posters, direct communication between speakers and the audience and much more will make the congress a truly inspiring experience.
The jENS 2019 organising societies and scientific committee warmly welcome you to this 3rd congress edition and thank all presenters and supporters for their great commitment. We wish you a fruitful exchange with leading experts in the field of Neonatology and are convinced that together, we will make the 3rd jENS an unforgettable experience towards developing and applying research.
Full Registration € 550,00 (PRIOR TO: MARCH 31, 2019) € 600,00 (FULL PRICE)
The Fee Includes: UEMS accreditation Access to all Scientific Sessions Access to the Exhibition area Congress Kit and attendance badge Electronic final scientific program Certificate of attendance Coffee breaks
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。