◆ 会议时间:2020年5月26-29日 ◆ 会议地点:美国 新奥尔良 /New Orleans, LA
◆ 会议简介:
NCVH是一个专注于多学科认证会议的非营利性教育基金会,通过腔内血管技术、药物治疗、外周介入等手段促进心血管疾病的诊治。 NCVH旨在为医疗保健服务人员提供治疗全身血管病症的知识,努力促进跨学科团队的协作与合作,以保障对患者护理的连续性。
Founded in 1999, the NCVH Annual Conference provides education covering all fields of peripheral interventions including carotid, renal, femoral and below the knee procedures as well as stent grafting for aortic dissections, abdominal aortic aneurysms, thoracic aortic aneurysms and deep venous interventions. Each year, on average, the conference assembles 1,500+ attendees and features 24+ LIVE case transmissions, 300+ scientific lectures and 175+ faculty considered preeminent in the field of medicine.
重要日期: Aug 26, 2019 - Abstract Submission Opens Apr 17, 2020 - Abstract Submission Closes (at 11:59 PM Central Time) May 15, 2020 - Digital Posters Due (at 11:59 PM Central Time) May 26 - May 29, 2020 - Conference Dates Jun 15, 2020 - Digital Archives and Proceedings Publication Available
NCVH 2020 REGISTRATION RATES/注册费: ◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。