◆ 会议时间:2020年3月18-20日因COVID-19会议取消 ◆ 会议地点:苏格兰 格拉斯哥
◆ 会议简介:
2020年英国糖尿病协会年会/专业会议(DUKPC)将于2020年3月18-20日在苏格兰格拉斯哥举行,大会将涵盖广泛的议题,同时将为所有代表提供了一个与来自世界各地的同行和同事交流、分享经验并相互学习的机会,上届会议有3,273名专业人士与会。 英国糖尿病协会(Diabetes UK)前身为1934年HG Wells与RD Lawrence成立的糖尿病协会,1954年更名为英国糖尿病协会(BDA),2000年6月更为现名Diabetes UK。Diabetes UK是一个非营利性注册慈善组织,总部位于英国伦敦,在威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰设有办事处。英国糖尿病协会(Diabetes UK)的宗旨是改善糖尿病患者的护理和治疗水平。(未经许可,禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网)。
Professional member |
Early bird |
Standard |
On-site |
Deadline |
6 December |
6 March |
7-20 March |
1 day |
£130.00 |
£170.00 |
£190.00 |
2 days |
£230.00 |
£310.00 |
£330.00 |
3 days |
£250.00 |
£330.00 |
£350.00 |
Non-member |
Early bird |
Standard |
On-site |
Deadline |
6 December |
6 March |
7-20 March |
1 day |
£190.00 |
£220.00 |
£240.00 |
2 days |
£380.00 |
£410.00 |
£430.00 |
3 days |
£435.00 |
£470.00 |
£490.00 |
Student member If you're a full-time student who is a professional member of Diabetes UK, you're entitled to free registration for all three days of the conference.
Student non-member |
Early bird |
Standard |
On-site |
Deadline |
6 December |
6 March |
7-20 March |
1 day |
£40.00 |
£50.00 |
£60.00 |
2 days |
£80.00 |
£95.00 |
£110.00 |
3 days |
£90.00 |
£100.00 |
£120.00 |
Exhibition only Access to theexhibition hall only (does not allow access to sessions).
1 day |
£55.00 |
2 days |
£110.00 |
3 days |
£165.00 |
- Admission to all sessions (excluding 'exhibition only' attendees)
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- Entry to the Exhibition Hall
- Delegate bag containing conference materials
- Access to the conference app
- Online access to speaker presentation slides after the conference
- Accredited by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP). You can also claim 18 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for attending all 3 days of the conference, or six per individual day.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。