◆ 会议时间:2019年9月12-14日 ◆ 会议地点:加拿大渥太华
◆ 会议简介:
2019年第51届Sally Letson眼科研讨会将于2019年9月12-14日在加拿大渥太华举行,会议由Sally Letson基金主办,本次会议将致力于青光眼患者的治疗管理。莎莉莱特森/Sally Letson眼科研讨会于1967年首次举办。Sally Letson基金是由Sally Letson夫人与其丈夫Letson将军,她的儿子John Nichol先生和她的兄弟Norman Lang先生以及A.G. Watson博士共同发起成立。1996年,会议从一个为期两天的活动转变为为期三天的会议,现为加拿大两个主要的眼科会议之一,有超过800名专业人士参加会议。
The 51st Sally Letson Symposium will be dedicated to the effective, efficient, and empathetic management of our glaucoma patients. A dynamic faculty of international experts will guide the audience in comprehensive approaches to the most common and challenging glaucoma entities. The whole armamentarium of medical, laser, and surgical therapies will also be addressed in the context of individual patient needs. Expert debates and audience interaction will help us tackle some of the hottest topics, controversies, and cutting edge developments in the field. This program will aim to leave your entire eye care team with the right tools to deliver the best in glaucoma care.
Participant |
Early-bird rate until Aug.15 |
Regular rate as of Aug.16 |
Ophthalmologist |
$350 |
$475 |
Physician |
$350 |
$475 |
Optometrist |
$350 |
$475 |
Allied health personnel (nurse, assistant, technician, orthoptist, PhD researcher) |
$175 |
$275 |
Annual Ophthalmic Medical Personnel Education Day only (Saturday, Sept. 14) |
$150 |
$200 |
Resident/Fellow |
$175 |
$275 |
Medical student (proof required: i.e., student card or letter from supervisor) |
$75 |
$150 |
Industry representative (additional representative registrations passes for sponsors) |
$425 |
$425 |
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。