Access Alts 2017 中国另类投资峰会
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Access Alts 2017 中国另类投资峰会已过期
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票 |
About Us
Ultimately, the aim is to create a discreet "Endowments, Foundations, SWFs, Family Offices and Impact Investor Club" straddling both continents, and allowing a free flow of ideas, capital and investment opportunities between its constituents.
The Differentiator
Come be a part of the AccessAlts family of game changers!
Who should attend?
Global allocators (Pension plans, Endowments, Foundations and Family Offices) looking to play the Asia story
China allocators (SWFs, Family Offices, Wealth managers, High Net Worths)
Why Should You Attend?
Discover the opportunity set in high-potential but opaque Asian markets
All - Identify compelling investment themes, sectors & companies in China today/ Navigate complex regulatory regimes/ harness disruptive changes and technology to redefine your businesses.
- 会员折扣
该会议支持会员折扣 具体折扣标准请参见plus会员页面
- 会员返积分
每消费1元累积1个会员积分。 仅PC站支持。
- 会员积分抵现
根据会员等级的不同,每抵用1元可使用的积分也不一样,具体可参见PLUS会员页面。 仅PC站支持。