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        08:00 - 09:00 Registration And Refreshments
        09:00 - 09:15 Connect | Engage | Deliver: Opening Remarks Bryan Wang, VP & PA Country Manager - China, Forrester Research
        09:15 - 09:45 Navigate Digital Disruption In China
        09:15 - 09:45

        Navigate Digital Disruption In ChinaDane Anderson, Vice President, Research Director & Region Manager, Forrester ResearchThe world’s customers, competitors, and partners have gone digital, turning established industries upside down.

        The impact is especially strong in China where a digitally savvy population invents remarkably

        innovative breakthroughs and adopts them at massive scale.

        In this session, you will learn:What digital disruption is and why it matters.How a successful digital business behaves.The steps

        and conditions required to build a digital business.

        09:45 - 10:15

        Content That TravelsDirk Eschenbacher, Creative Director and Chief Marketing Officer, ZanaduContent helps customers get a better picture of your products and services.

        Content creates context, inspiration, support, and confirmation.

        Content, if strategic and focused, adds substantially to the customer experience. In this session, you will learn:Why content marketing needs a solid strategy.How content marketing tapsinto the heart of the brand.

        10:15 - 10:45 Platinum Keynote With Social Touch
        10:45 - 11:15 Morning Networking Break
        11:15 - 11:45

        Build An Ecosystem To Win In Your Customers' Mobile MomentsJulie A. Ask, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester ResearchBrands can't act like destinations and expect that consumers will download their apps or visit their mobile websites.

        They must engage their customers where they already are. In this session, you will learn:What key challenges brands face today in mobile.Where to find engagement opportunities in mobile moments.

        How you can win customers during their mobile moments.

        11:45 - 12:00

        Book Unveiling With CITIC PressJulie A. Ask, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester ResearchForrester Research will officially launch the Mandarin version of our book The Mobile Mind Shirft.

        Join co-author Julie A. Ask, who will present key ideas from the book, and get your copy of the book autographed at the Summit.

        12:00 - 12:30

        Industry Panel: Path To A Digital Business: Build An Architecture That Supports Your Customer-Centric StrategyCharlie Dai, Principal Analyst, Forrester ResearchMany Chinese organizations have already started some format of digital journey with the highly digitized Chinese consumers.

        However, the transformation to build a digital business is a lot more challenging as many Chinese organizations

        do not have a well-designed business technology architecture.

        In this industry panel discussion, following key topics will be discussed among the business leaders from top Chinese organizations:Top 3 priorities to consider when planning a cross-function digital strategy

        .Unique aspect for China in terms of digital transformation path, and in what context.

        Key capabilities and strategies your current technology architecture needs to support the transformation.

        Organization and cultural changes needed to align with the new architecture and the impact to your business in the initial stage.

        12:30 - 13:30 Networking Lunch
        13:30 - 14:00 3Cs To Succeed In Contextual Marketing
        Track A

        Gene Cao, Senior Analyst, Forrester ResearchCustomers in China are more connected than ever before. These customer are having higher buying power,

        digitally savvy but avoiding advertising.

        To understand customer's context like when, where and why this person engaging with brand becomes marketer's top priority.

        From this session, you will learn:Why context is important to bring successful marketing?How context changes marketing?

        How to invest in big data to activate contextual marketing?

        14:40 - 15:10 Getting The Most Out Of Social Media
        Track B

        Clement Teo, Senior Analyst, Forrester ResearchLearn to weave social media throughout the marketing RaDaR (mapped to customer life-cycle journey),

        build a business case for investment,

        and execute the right tactics. In this session, Clement will discuss:The steps and conditions required to build a successful social marketing program.

        What a successful social marketing looks like,

        using a couple of examples.

        How to measure the right social metrics to gain insights and improve over time.

        15:10 - 15:15 Intermission
        15:15 - 15:45 Guest Executive Forum With TalkingData
        15:15 - 15:45 Guest Executive Forum With BlueFocus
        15:45 - 16:15 Afternoon Networking Break
        16:15 - 16:45

        Creating A Digital Bank Through Customer Experience And InnovationPaul Cobban, Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer, Technology and Operations, DBS Bank

        In order to maintain business performance,

        banks must find new value propositions and holistic customer experiences before the digital new entrants eat their lunch.

        DBS are building on their successful customer experience transformation to link innovation processes and eco-systems

        to deliver a new digital bank offering.

        Learning from start-ups,

        DBS have taken a new approach combining data analytics and deep customer immersion to develop unconventional offerings

        to their digital savvy customers.

        Evolved their customer experience program to drive new value propostions.

        Formed partnerships to build world class capabilities in data analytics.

        Tested their digital bank offering through a series of rapid experiments.

        16:45- 17:15

        The Global eCommerce Opportunity: How Chinese Brands Can Tap Into Digital Shoppers Around The WorldZia Daniell Wigder, Vice President, Research Director, Forrester ResearcheCommerce growth continues to surge in every market,

        and increasingly brands are looking beyond their borders to boost revenues.

        While China’s eCommerce market is — and will remain — the largest in the world,

        other markets present growing opportunities for Chinese brands willing to take their digital

        know-how overseas. How can brands take advantage of new international markets?

        Join us for this session as we address:eCommerce markets presenting the biggest opportunities for Chinese brands.

        Proven effective strategies for companies entering these markets.

        Evaluating the cross-border model versus launching local operations in-country.

        17:15 - 17:30 Closing RemarksBryan Wang, VP & PA Country Manager - China, Forrester Research
        17:30 - 18:30 Networking Drinks Reception




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