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发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票




        Welcome address: Dr. Xianlong Zhang, Vice President of HZAU
        Opening remarks: Dr. Jianming Li
        ※ Session1: BR Perception, Receptor Activation, and Signaling Pathway
        Session chair: Steven C. Huber
        8:50-9:20 Steven C. Huber
        Role for tyrosine phosphorylation and other post-translational modifications in BR signaling
        9:20-9:50 Jijie Chai TBA
        9:50-10:20 Sacco de Vries
        Modeling the Arabidopsis Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor-like Kinase signaling pathways
        10:20-10:40 Julia Santiago TBA
        10:40-11:00 Coffee break
        Session chair: Jianming Li
        11:00-11:30 Jianming Li
        Re-examination of a key regulatory step of the brassinosteroid signaling pathway
        11:30-12:00 Frans Tax TBA
        12:00-12:20 Jianjun Jiang
        A Recently Evolved Isoform of the Transcription Factor BES1 Promotes Brassinosteroid Signaling and Development in Arabidopsis thaliana
        ※ Session 2: BR Regulated Plant Growth and Development
        Session chair: Jia Li
        14:00-14:30 Ana I. Caño-Delgado TBA
        14:30-15:00 Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein
        Understanding coherent growth: brassinosteroid activity gets context
        15:00-15:30 Zhiyong Wang
        The molecular circuits for brassinosteroid regulation of plant development
        15:30-15:50 Suiwen Hou
        Sterols are involved in stomatal cell-fate commitment and maintenance and flowering in Arabidopsis
        Session chair: Ana I. Caño-Delgado
        16:10-16:40 Jia Li TBA
        16:40-17:10 Yanhai Yin
        Mechanism and Network for Brassinosteroid Regulated Plant Growth and Stress Responses
        17:10 -17:40 Takeshi Nakano
        BSS1 as a negative regulator for brassinosteroid signaling that was identified by chemical biology using Brz
        17:40-18:00 TBA
        18:00 Banquet
        May 21, Thursday

        Session chair:Eugenia Russinova
        8:30-9:00 Xuelu Wang
        Cross-talk between BR and ABA signaling pathways and plant development
        9:00-9:30 Waltraud X. Schulze
        Crosstalk of Brassinosteroid signaling and sugar metabolism
        9:30-10:00 Jun-xian He TBA
        10:00-10:20 Rosa Lozano-Durán
        Interplay between brassinosteroid signaling and plant immunity: to grow or to defend

        10:40-11:10 Eugenia Russinova TBA
        11:10-11:40 Mingyi Bai
        Mechanisms of brassinsoteroid interacting with multiple hormonal and environmental signals
        11:40-12:00 Jie Zhang
        A Brassinosteroid Signaling Protein Acts as a Direct Substrate of MPK6 and Regulates Plant Immunity
        12:00-12:20 Juthamas Chaiwanon
        Spatiotemporal brassinosteroid signaling and antagonism with auxin pattern stem cell dynamics in Arabidopsis roots

        Session chair: Yanhai Yin
        14:00-14:30 Sebastian Wolf
        Feedback from the cell wall as a modulator of brassinosteroid signaling
        14:30-15:00 Hongwei Xue
        Synergistic Effects of IAA/ARF in Brassinosteroids-Regulated DifferentialGrowth of Arabidopsis Hypocotyls
        15:00-15:30 Honghong Hu
        The function of individual CAs in guard cell CO2 signaling
        15:30-15:50 Qazi Fariduddin

        Session Chair: Sacco de Vries
        16:10-16:40 Tadao Asami TBA
        16:40-17:10 Sunghwa Choe TBA
        17:10-17:40 Brigitte Poppenberger
        Brassinosteroids Regulate Gibberellin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis
        17:40-18:00 Jeffrey Chu
        Full length transcriptome sequencing reveals developmental stage specific alternatively splice forms
        18:00-19:30 Dinner
        19:30-20:30 Conference Committee meeting

        Session chair: Kang Chong
        8:30-9:00 Kang Chong TBA
        9:00-9:30 Chengcai Chu
        Mechanisms for brassinosteroid regulation of plant growth and seed development in rice
        9:30-10:00 Libo Shan
        Functional plasticity of cell surface receptor-like kinase complexes in plant immunity and development
        10:00-10:20 Coffee break
        Session chair: Chengcai Chu
        10:20-10:50 Shiyong Sun
        Brassinosteroids in rice architecture control
        10:50-11:10 Guang Wu
        Brassinosteroid signaling in Physcomitrella patens
        11:10-11:20 Closing Remarks





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