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        会议朝阳区 威斯汀酒店







         Wednesday 15 April
        10:00 - 17:00 Registration
        Coffee served and exhibition stands open
        18:00 - 20:00 Opening Cocktail Party
        Hosted by Canpotex and Sinofert
        Thursday 16 April
        9:10 Chairs Opening Remarks
        Xie Fang, Senior Analyst, Argus FMB
        9:20 Developments and Progress in Chinese Fertilizer Production
        9:50 Implications of an Extended Low Export Tax Window
        ♦What will volume exports from China look like next year?
        ♦Domestic vs export
        ♦Likely effect of increased Chinese supply
        ♦Expected export volumes and trends
        ♦How the tax system will work
        ♦Potential price consequences for N&P
        ♦Where are exports going?
        Mike Nash, Editor - Argus FMB Phosphates, Argus FMB
        10:20 Prospects for Chinese Phosphates Producers – Supply Volumes and Consumption Impacts in China
        ♦Balancing domestic vs export opportunities
        ♦Decisions and situations exporters will face
        ♦Production costs outlook
        ♦2015 export prospects

        10:50 - 11:20 Networking Coffee Break
        11:10 Overview of the Global Potash Market
        ♦Trade flow changes
        ♦Market developments
        Matt Albrecht, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Canpotex
        11:50 Changing Trends in the Asian Ammonium Sulphate Market
        ♦Shipments from China to South East Asia
        ♦Outlook for trade volumes
        ♦Increased export volumes from China
        ♦Growth impact on global market and Malaysia
        Steve Mitchell, Editor - Argus FMB Nitrogen, Argus FMB
        12:20 Assessing Global Sources of Sulphur Supply and Reviewing Consumption Requirements
        ♦Sulphur trade flow outlook
        ♦Latest changes in production volumes
        ♦China's domestic production vs import needs
        Wu Kai, Director of Marketing and Business Development Asia, Petrosul International
        12:50 - 14:30 Lunch
        14:30 - 15:45 Panel Discussion - Growing Demand in South East Asia and Changing Trade Flows

        A.H.Biswas, Managing Director, BTC Group
        Takashi Sumi, President & CEO, Atlas Fertilizers Corporation
        Wong Beng Fuat, Marketing Director, Agromate Holdings
        18:00 - 20:00 Closing Cocktail Party
        Friday 17 April
        9:20 Chair's Opening Remarks
        Mike Nash, Editor, Argus FMB Phosphates, Argus FMB
        9:30 Growth for Fertilizers in India
        10:00 Outlook for the Indian Market
        ♦Balanced fertilization in India
        ♦Strategy for increasing domestic production
        ♦Will urea demand decrease?
        ♦Subsidy and approaching policy change
        Satish Chander, Director General, The Fertiliser Association of India (FAI)
        10:30 Impact of New Urea Projects on the Asian Market
        ♦Proposed projects
        ♦Analysis of the current urea market
        ♦Forecast for the future
        En. Hisham B Mohamad, Head of Marketing and Sales, Petronas
        11:00 - 11:30 Networking Coffee Break
        11:30 Producing Enhanced Urea and Sulphur-Based Fertilizers

        ♦Mixing sulphur, nitrogen and other micronutrients in fertilizers
        ♦Rotoform pastillation to create specialties
        Steven Sutanto, Global Product Manager Fertilizer, Sandvik Process Systems

        ♦Balanced fertilizer use requirements to ensure future food and nutrition security

        ♦Micronutrients for increasing performance of NPKs and human health improvement
        Zhai Jidong, COO, Kingenta Ecological Engineering
        12:30 Growth in Micronutrients in Asia
        ♦Developments in production of micronutrients
        ♦Is micronutrient consumption increasing?
        ♦Expectations for the future
        Ming Xian Fan, Ph.D, Director, China Program,ZNI International Zinc Association
        13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
        14:30 End of Conference

        标签: 化肥 化工


