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(最终日程以会议现场为准)基 础 实 操4月17-18日
1.Develop Process and requirement2.SW Requirement design
2.1 The software boundary element
2.2 Functional requirement
Control Law Requirement
2.3 Non-function requirement
Cyber security requirement
3.1 SW Architecture Principle
3.2 How to design Architecture
3.3 Design Pattern Introduction
3.4 Design Constraint
Communication/Network Constraints
3.5 Static Architecture View
Interfaces Design
3.6 Dynamic Architecture View
protection mechanisms
3.7 Design Method introduction -> UML
State diagram
3.8 Configuration and reuse
4.1 Function safety/Cyber security
Digital Signature
4.2 Domain Controller SW Architecture
4.3 Other Point for SW Architecture Design
进 阶 实 操4月24-25日
Software Architecture Design Practice and Case study will base on practical project and finish one simple Software architecture design work products as belows: |
1. Software Architecture Design Practice and Case study
3.1 SW develop process and work product
3.2 SW Architecture Work Product Overview
3.3 Requirement Elicitation and analyze for real ECU
3.4 UML design operation and practice in EA
3.5 Software Architecture Work product design in EA environment
3.6 AutoSAR OS design practice and Schedulable Analyze and Verification
3.7 SW Architecture Solution Evaluate and Estimate
3.8 Real Time Attribute Analyze
3.9 Shared Resource Analyze
基础实操4月17日-18日 进阶实操4月24日-25日* 开课单位:汽车精英荟主办(出正式发票)* 参加人数:10人(满10人截止 )* 地址:上海市浦东新区
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