• 参会报名



发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

        报告题目(中英文) 报告人(单位)
        1 TT21C与AOP:来自联合利华的案例研究
        TT21C and AOP: case studies from Unilever
        Paul Carmichael Ph.D.(英国)
        Professor, Strategic science leader, SEAC, Unilever Colwoth, Unilever, UK
        2 美国Tox21项目:采用定量高通量筛选技术开展环境化学物线粒体毒性的系统研究
        US Tox21 Programme: Systematic Study of Mitochondrial Toxicity of Environmental Chemicals Using Quantitative High Throughput Screening
        Menghang Xia, Ph.D. (美国)
        Division of Preclinical Innovation, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, USA
        3 衰老和寿命调节中的线粒体网络通路 – 系统生物学方法(线粒体呼吸链建模)
        Mitochondrial network of pathways in aging and lifespan control - a systems biology approach (inc. Modelling of the mitochondrial respiration chain)
        Heinz D. Osiewacz, Ph.D.(德国)
        Professor, Faculty of Biosciences, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
        4 计算系统生物学模型及其在基于通路的线粒体毒性评价中的应用研究
        2. Computational system biological modelling and its role in pathway-based mitochondrial toxicity assessment
        Qiang Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.(美国)
        Director, Center for Dose Response Modeling, Institute for Chemical Safety Sciences, The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences, USA
        5 TT21C与AOP:与线粒体毒性关联的分子起始事件
        TT21C and AOP: Molecular initiating event linking to mitochondrial toxicity
        Paul Russell Ph.D.(英国)
        Science leader, SEAC, Unilever Colwoth, Unilever, UK
        6 应用改进的代谢体外模型研究药物不良反应中的线粒体功能紊乱
        Using metabolically-modified in vitro models to examine the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in adverse drug reactions
        Amy Chadwick, Mchem, Ph.D.(英国)
        Tenure Track Fellow, Institute of Translational Medicine, The University of Liverpool, UK
        7 线粒体毒性体外研究方法与线粒体介导的药物毒性
        In vitro approaches to assess mitochondrial toxicity and mitochondria-mediated drug toxicity
        Yvonne Will, Ph.D.(美国)
        Compound safety prediction, Cell based assays and mitochondrial biology, Pfizer R&D., USA
        8 毒性通路扰动与线粒体毒性AOP及其在化学物安全性评价中的应用
        8. Perturbation of toxicity pathway and AOP for mitochondrial toxicity in chemical safety evaluation
        彭双清 博士、研究员(中国)

        标签: 内科 医疗 生物

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