2023年航空航天工程国际研讨会(ICAE 2023)
- 参会报名
- 会议介绍
- 会议嘉宾
- 参会指南
2023年航空航天工程国际研讨会(ICAE 2023)已过期会议时间: 09:00至 2023-11-01 18:00结束
2023 Int’l Conference on Aerospace Engineering (ICAE 2023), which will be held during Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2023, in Xi’an, China, is one of the special tracks within The 9th World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET 2023). The main objective of ICAE 2023 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers and academicians from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Aerospace Engineering. This symposium provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.Topics: The symposium is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest(not limited to)Aerospace Robotics and MechatronicsAeronautics and AstronauticsRocket Theory and DesignAdvances in Aerospace TechnologyFlight Software Engineering and TestingAircraft Design ConceptsEmerging Avionics TechnologySpacecraft Avionics Systems, Subsystems and TechnologiesAeroelasticity and LoadsAerostructures and CompositesHeat Transfer MechanicsUnmanned Aircraft TechnologiesAircraft SystemsAviation Human FactorsNovel Aero EnginesAerodynamic Forces and Structural FlexibilityApplied Plasma and FusionExperimental Stress AnalysisInstrumentation and Control EngineeringMultiphase and Granular FlowsNuclear ReactorsFinite Element AnalysisControl Systems Theory and ApplicationsAerodynamics and AeroacousticsNano and Microscale EngineeringOrbital Mechanics and Mission DesignRocket EnginesTopological Synthesis of MechanismsDynamic Systems and Control EngineeringFluid Mechanics, Combustion, and Engineering PhysicsMachine Design and AnalysisMicrofluidicsNonlinear Dynamics, Stability, and Bifurcation TheoryOrder Reduction and Control of Vibrating SystemsSatellite SystemsDynamics of Machining Processes and Chatter VibrationsHeat and Mass TransferModeling Damping in Compliant Impacts and Vibro-ImpactNon-smooth, Time-Varying, Time-Delayed, and Stochastic SystemsAirport Management and OperationsAviation Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementAircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine EnginesAircraft Maintenance ManagementAircraft Structural Analysis and DesignHigh-speed AerodynamicsAircraft Vibration and AeroelasticityIndustrial AerodynamicsOther Related Topics
详细版日程将在会前一个半月左右发布,并通知所有作者。简版日程如下: | ||||
10月30日 | 10月31日 | 11月1日 | 11月2日 | |
8:30-10:00 | 特邀专家报告 | 口头报告 | ||
10:00-10:20 | 茶歇 | 茶歇 | ||
10:20-12:00 | 特邀专家报告 | 口头报告 | ||
14:00-16:00 | 注册 | 特邀专家报告 | ||
16:00-16:20 | 茶歇 | |||
16:20-18:00 | 特邀专家报告 |
须知:1. 具体(含报告时间和会场安排)将在会前一个半月左右发布。请您注意查收邮件和微信通知,并按照Program准备您的口头报告/海报。2. Keynote Speech 时长45分钟 (含Q&A),Oral Presentation 时长15-20分钟(含Q&A),语言为英文。请准备好PPT或PDF文件带至会场,其它设备由组委会提供。Poster Presentation作者请按照1.6 X 0.6 四角打孔的尺寸要求制作好海报并携带至会场。3. 如因疫情无法到场,可邮寄海报或提供报告视频(MP4格式),海报/视频将在会场进行展出/播放。会后组委会将发送照片,并办理发票、邀请函、参会证明、会议期刊、会议证等物资的邮寄。4.可现场缴费,请联系组委会提供请注册ID,参会人姓名和单位,并确认住宿和出行安排。既没缴费,也没告知我们需要现场缴费的,在不知您是否参会的情况下,将不做任何安排。5. 如需在开会的时候拿到发表的纸质期刊,请在会前一个半月完成全文缴费并提交终版文章和版权。现场缴费的全文将在会后进行发表,并邮寄期刊。6. 疫情期间,我们将严格按照防疫要求,控制参会人数。无法现场参会的国内外专家和作者将提供报告视频,在会场进行播放。7. 请大家缴纳注册费之前先仔细查阅退款说明,并看好报告安排再决定是否参加,在最终日程出来之前尽量不要提前购买机票/车票。未看日程安排贸然前来参会、未提供完整参会人信息、未确认是否现场缴费、未确认酒店住房相关事宜,如因上述问题导致工作人员无法给您安排参会或住房,到会场之后产生任何纠纷,恕不再受理。望理解。
Package A: | 仅参会(无报告) | USD 400 (RMB 2400) |
Package B: | 参会 + 摘要报告 | USD 450 (RMB 2700) |
Package C: | 参会 + 全文发表 + 报告 | USD 600 (RMB 3600) |
参会费包含内容:1. 可参加所有会场2. 会议期间午餐(10月31日, 11月1日)3. 会议期间晚餐(10月31日)4. 会议期间茶歇5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本
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该会议支持会员折扣 具体折扣标准请参见plus会员页面
- 会员返积分
每消费1元累积1个会员积分。 仅PC站支持。
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根据会员等级的不同,每抵用1元可使用的积分也不一样,具体可参见PLUS会员页面。 仅PC站支持。