◆ 会议时间:2020年1月28-31日 ◆ 会议地点:德国 莱比锡
◆ 会议简介:
2020年LINC大会(莱比锡血管介入治疗课程/大会)将于2020年1月28-31日在德国莱比锡举行。LINC大会由是由德国莱比锡大学主办的国际顶级血管疾病学术大会之一,由德国著名血管介入专家Dr. Scheinert始创于2005年,是一个涉及外周血管疾病预防、诊断与治疗的权威学术盛会。LINC每年都会吸引来自世界各地的近5000名专业人士代表(2019年LINC大会有来自全球80多个国家的4913名代表参会),一起分享探讨外周血管疾病治疗的新技术、新方法,共同推动外周血管领域前沿科学技术的发展和进步。
The LEIPZIG INTERVENTIONAL COURSE is strongly committed to contribute to a systematic scientific evaluation and interdisciplinary discussion of new methods, allowing conclusions for daily interventional practice. LINC is an interdisciplinary live course, designed to provide a global platform, permitting the discussion of the „vascular patients“ by integrating colleagues of different specialties who are performing endovascular interventions.
摘要提交/ Abstract submission: Submit you abstract until 21 October 2019!
LINC 2020 will accept abstracts on: Original research Challenging cases/complications Clinical trial updates Innovations
At the following categories: Original research Challenging cases/complications the admission fee for the presenting author for LINC 2020 will be reduced to 350,00 Euro.
注册费/Registration fees LINC 2020:
Registration fees in Euro (€) inclusive of 19% VAT
Early bird 1 |
Early bird 2 |
After early bird and onsite |
up to 25.09.2019 1) |
26.09.2019 to 10.01.2020 1) |
from 11.01.2020 1) |
Full course registration: |
Physician, industry |
780,00 Euro |
980,00 Euro |
1.280,00 Euro |
Full course registration: |
Abstract presenter |
380,00 Euro |
380,00 Euro |
380,00 Euro |
Full course registration: |
Fellows/nurses or allied health professionals 2) |
250,00 Euro |
250,00 Euro |
250,00 Euro |
Full course registration: |
Students 3) |
250,00 Euro |
250,00 Euro |
250,00 Euro |
Day Pass [Tuesday-Thursday] |
500,00 Euro |
500,00 Euro |
500,00 Euro |
Day Pass [Friday] |
380,00 Euro |
380,00 Euro |
380,00 Euro |
2 h-Ticket [bookable only on site] |
140,00 Euro |
Social Event 4) |
50,00 Euro |
50,00 Euro |
50,00 Euro |
The registration fee includes: Full access to all sessions and the industry exhibition Daily packed lunch (on Friday lunch buffett) Shuttle service to and from the Messe Leipzig (hotels see LINC website under transport)
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。