• 参会报名

2014年中欧生物医药项目合作会议(2014 SEBP)

2014年中欧生物医药项目合作会议(2014 SEBP) 已过期

发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

        Thursday May 8th
        17h30 - 20h Registration
        18h - 21h Welcome dinner (invitation only)
        Friday May 9th
        08h00 - 08h35 Registration
        08h35 - 08h45 Opening speech
        Officials from China and the European Union
        Keynote speeches
        08h45 - 09h10 Impact of the Current Economical & Healcare Reform on the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry
        Mr. Yu Mingde, Chairman of the China Pharmaceutical Enterprises Association
        09h10 - 09h35 Assisting European SMEs to Establish Effective Partnership with Local Companies
        Mr. Frédéric Druck, Vice Chairman of The Council of European BioRegions & Director at BioWin
        09h35 - 10h00 The Market Dynamics and Access: Opportunities and Challenges for European Companies
        Large Consulting firm (speaker TBC)
        10h00 - 10h20 Tea break & Networking
        10h20 - 11h40 Roadshow (company presentations will be organised by session)
        Monoclonal antibodies (biopharma) - China
        Cancer and age-related macular degeration (pharma) - Switzerland
        Immunotherapy cancer vaccine (pharma) - Israel
        Oncology, cerebrovascular drugs (pharma) - China
        Diagnostic and therapeutic use of recombinant allergens (biotech) - Austria
        11h40 - 13h00 Luncheon & Networking
        Keynote speech
        13h00 - 13h15 Contract Research Organisations' Landscape in China
        Dr. Jason Liu, Senior VP & COO at Wuxi Apptec
        13h15 - 13h30 Options for Deal Structure with Local Companies
        Mr. Alan Zhou, Partner at Global Law Office
        13h30 - 14h40 Roadshow (company presentations will be organised by session)
        Molecular diagnostics in Oncology (diagnostics) - US
        Respiratory and gastic infectious diseases testing (diagnostics) - Belgium 
        Tumor deep sequencing (diagnostics) - Belgium
        Mab enhanced production technology (biotech) - Belgium
        Peptid based products for chronic diseases (biotech) - Austria
        14h40 - 15h20 Panel Discussion
        Clinical Trial and Regulatory
        15h20 - 15h50 Coffee break & Networking
        Keynote speech
        15h50 - 16h10 Key Issues on Market Compliance
        16h10 - 16h25 European Biotech & Pharma Innovation Development
        Mr. Patrik Frei, Founder and CEO at Venture Valuation
        16h25 - 17h10 Panel Discussion
        Investment Opportunities in China
        Moderator: Ms. Huang Lu, Director at MorningSide Ventures
        Pannelists:  Dr. Jun Wu, Chairman and Managing Partner at Cenova Ventures
          Mr Alan Au, Senior Advisor for Simcere Pharmaceutical Group
        17h10 - 17h15 Closing remarks
        Mr. Gao Ronghui, CEO of G-med Consulting

        标签: 医学技术

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