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        Keynote ForumTime: 09:00-12:00, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Technology Transfer from Univ to IndustryDr. Ilan Chet,Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

        Time: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:On Farmland Marketization With A Double Security --Reform and Innovation of Farmland Property Right in Rural China

        Title:Global Consumer Trends for Food & Drink with Implications and Opportunities for World Agriculture and AgribusinessesDr. Hughes,Non-Executive Director, Berry Gardens Limited, UK

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Peter Maienfisch,Research Portfolio Manager, Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Switzerland

        Title:Reframing Agriculture Practices in Developing Countries: Feminisation of Agriculture and Remittance Economy in South AsiaDr. Krishna K. Shrestha,Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia

        Title:The Adaptability of Farmers and Policy of ThailandDr. Nathsuda Pumijumnong,Associate Professor, Mahidol University, Thailand

        Session 301: Internet plus Agriculture and Smart AgricultureTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Nikos Manouselis,CEO, Agro-Know Technologies, Greece

        Title:Surgical Agriculture: Going Beyond Precision

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Sjaak Wolfert,Senior Scientist & Leader, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands

        Title:Scientists and Politicians to Meet Societal Expectations from A Smart Agriculture: Towards a smart_EarthDr. N. Sigrimis,Professor, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

        Title:UAV Technology, Farming in the Future: Return on Investment for Drones in Precision AgricultureMs. Miriam McNabb,CEO, JobForDrones, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Qian Chen,Assistant Professor, Savannah State University, USA

        Title:Towards Energy-Efficient Datacenters in Cloud ComputingMr. Sura Khalil Abd,UPM, Malaysia

        Session 302: Precision AgricultureTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16,, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Evaluating the Utility of Hydretain to Reduce Applied Irrigation Water and Enhance Corn Production in Sandy Soils in Semi-Arid ConditionsMr. Mike son,VP, Eagle Spec Sales Group, USA

        Title:Water watch &Precision SystemsMr. Jan Hak,President, Qua Ter Nes Holding, The Netherlands

        Title:Under PreparationDr. John Fulton,Associate Professor, Ohio State University, USA

        Title:From High Throughput Field Phenotyping to Precision AgricultureDr. Frederic Baret,Research Director, INRA-EMMAH-CAPTE, Aignon, France

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Rafal Wawer,Senior Researcher, The Department of Soil Science Erosion Control and Land Protection, Poland

        Title:Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategies to Mitigate Environmental and Economic Impact of Post-Harvest Losses in Sub-Saharan AfricaDr. Julia Bello-Bravo,Assistant Director, Center for African Studies, USA

        Session 401: Advances on Agricultural BiotechnologyTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Collinge,Professor, University of Copenhagen, Danmark

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Kan-Fa Chang,Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta, Canada

        Title:Challenges and Opportunities for the Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forests Systems in BrazilDr. Leidivan Almeida Frazao,Professor, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

        Title:Under PreparationDr. R.P. Dahiya,Vice Chancellor, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, India

        Title:Bio-Boom: Integration of Fungal Endophytes for Improved Crop ProductionDr. Mustafa Morsy,Associate Professor, University of West Alabama, USA

        Title:Controllable Transport Properties of a Surface Plasmonic Waveguide with a Metal Nano Particle-Semiconductor Quantum Dot Hybrid SystemDr. Nam-Chol Kim,Kim Il Sung University, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

        Title:Agricultural Biotechnology: Food Security in the Developing CountriesDr. Mohammad Sheikhalishahi,Research Assistant, KU Leuven, Belgium

        Session 402: Seed, Fruit & Reproductive Plant BiotechnologyTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Reinaldo Antonio Garcia Bonnecarrere,R&D Senior Manager, BASF S.A, Brazil

        Title:Under PreparationGaye Reily,Gayland Ward Seed Co., Inc., USA

        Title:Molecular Mechanism of Cuticle Biosynthesis in Mango by Using a Transcriptomic ApproachDr. Martin Tiznado,Professor, Center for Research in Food and Development, Mexico

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Rodolfo Luis Rossi,President, Asociaci��n de la Cadena de la Soja Argentina, Argentina

        Session 403: Transgenic Technology for Farm Animals and PlantsTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Session 404: Genetic Engineering and Genomics for AgricultureTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under Preparation

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Sharman O’Neill,Professor, University of California, Davis, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Christopher Lu,Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA

        Title:Somaclonal Derived Crop VariantsDr. Calum Wilson,Associate Professor, University of Tasmania, Australia

        Title:Maintenance of genetic diversity in forest populationsDr. Abayneh Derero,Project Coordinator and Researcher, Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute, Germany

        Title:Overexpression of a Tomato miR171 Target Gene SlGRAS24 Impacts Multiple Agronomical Traits via Regulating Gibberellin and Auxin HomeostasisDr. Zhengguo Li,Professor, Chongqing University, China

        Title:Ammonium Signaling in Rice PlantsDr. Yuanhu Xuan,Professor, Shenyang Agricultural University, China

        Title:Production of Disease Suppressive Compost with Olive and Coffee By-ProductsDr. Maria Cristina Echeverria,Associate Professor, Universidad Tecnica del Norte, Ecuador

        Session 405: Bio-fertilizer and Bio-pesticides TechniquesTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Present Status of Areca Nut Pests and Recent Advances in Their ManagementDr. B. K. Shivanna,Professor and Head, Department College of agriculture Navile, USA

        Title:Impacts of Biopesticides in Today’S WorldDr. Cecil Tharp,Pesticide Education Specialist, Montana State University, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Suzanne E Allaire,Full Professor, Laval University, Canada

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Ninghu Su,Adjunct Professor, James Cook University, Australia

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Krispn Given,Apicuture Specialist, Purdue University, USA

        Session 501: Breeding and GeneticsTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Contribution of Plant Breeding for Adaptation to Climate ChangeDr. Naqib Ullah Khan,Professor, The Ohio State University, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. ,President and CEO, United Genetics Seeds Inc., USA

        Title:Improving Maize Breeding Efficiency: Two versus Three Heterotic GroupsDr. Xingming Fan,Professor, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Science, China

        Title:Breeding for Terpene Profile in Industrial Hemp: The Creation of ChemovarsMr. Clemon Dabney,Research Assistant, University of Minnesota, USA

        Session 502: Grain Crops and Economic Crops PlantingTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Sam Chang,Professor, Mississippi State University, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Xiangbin Kong,Associate Professor, China Agricultural University, China

        Session 503: Fruits and Vegetables PlantingTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Stefan Martens,Leader, Department of Food Quality and Nutrition, Italy

        Title:Urban Vegetable Production for Sustainability: The Riortas Project in the City of Rio de Janeiro, BrazilDr. Luiz Felipe Guanaes Rego,Professor, PUC-RIO, Brazil

        Session 504: Soil & Water ManagementTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Setup of Intelligent Pre-warning System of Debris-flowDr. ,Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Mahdi Al-Kaisi,Professor, Iowa State University, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Guanghua Wang,Professor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, China

        Title:Drought Management Strategies for Agricultural Water ResorcesDr. Cheng Chang-Chi,Associate Professor, Chien-Hsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

        Title:Crop Response to Soils Amended Biochar: Expected Benefits and Undesirable ThreatsMr. Subedi Raghu Nath,Researcher, University of Turin, Italy

        Title:Water Management and Nuttrient Losses from Paddy Fiels in KoreaDr. Kwang Sik Yoon,Chonnam National University, South Korea

        Session 505: Crop Protection and Conservation ManagementTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Managing Resistance With Herbicides and Modern Seed Technology: Product Stewardship, New Technology and RegulationMr. Derrick Lastinger,Program Director, Georgia Department of Agriculture, USA

        Title:Postmortem Interval Determination Based on EntomologyJiangfeng Wang,Professor, Soochow University, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Silvia Rondon,Associate Professor, Oregon State University, USA

        Session 601: Cutting Edge Science for Future Animal AgricultureTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Dr. Ron Cravens,Vice President, Amlan International, USA

        Session 602: Livestock Farming & Genetic EngineeringTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Jean-Francois Hocquette,Director of Herbivore Unit, INRA, France

        Title:Experiences in Bringing Genetic Technologies to Bear in Beef Production EnterprisesDr. Michael D. MacNeil,Delta G, USA

        Title:The Development of Semen Collection and Artificial Insemination in An Induced Ovulator, the AlpacaDr. P. Walter Bravo,Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad, Peru

        Session 603: Intensive and Alternative Poultry FarmingTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Who Needs Redstone Circuits? How Vertical Poultry Farming ensures the Potentiate of Lever-Based ConvenienceMr. Thomas J Manna,Hunter College and Graduate Center, USA

        Title:Targeted Lighting for Domestic BirdsDr. I. Rozenboim,Associate Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Zhendan Shi,Researcher, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

        Session 604: Sustainable Livestock FarmingTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Donald M. Broom,Professor, University of Cambridge, UK

        Title:Practical Application of IVF TechnologyMr. Simon Walton,Managing Director, Australian Reproductive Technologies, Australia

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Lucy Waldron,Director, LWT Animal Nutrition Ltd, New Zealand

        Title:The Role of Feed Structure on Gastric Health in PigsDr. Anne K. MoBeler,Senior Scientist, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany

        Session 605: Environmental Constraints to Animal AgricultureTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. R.J. Collier,Professor, University of Arizona, USA

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Jaime Picarra,Vice President, FEFAC, Portugal

        Title:Under PreparationDr. M. Hetta,Head of department, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

        Title:Modelling Agricultural Land-Use/Cover to Assess the Impact of Agricultural Practices on EnvironmentMatieyendou Lamboni,EC-JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Italy

        Title:The Effects of Associated Diet Quality on Germination of Woody Plant Species: Implications for Woody Plant EncroachmentJulius Tjelele,Researcher, Animal Production Institute, South Africa

        Session 606: Animal Protein and Fibre ProductsTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Protein Assays for Dilute Biological SamplesDr. Ghanshyam D. Heda,Associate Professor, Mississippi University for Women, USA

        Title:The Ecofriendly Processing Techniques for Wool FiberDr. Laijiu Zheng,Dean, Dalian Polytechnic University, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Pedro V.R. Paulino,Global Technology Manager, Cargill Animal Nutrition, Canada

        Session 701: Biomass UtilizationTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Ali Manesh,President, American Science and Technology Corporation, USA

        Title:Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry Bio-Sensing of Biodiesel AutoxidationDr. Zeev Wiesman,Associate Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Abbas Mehrabadi,Research Assistant, University of Auckland, New Zealand

        Title:Blendedfossil-biodiesel Fuel Dropletsin Internal CombustionDr. M. Al Qubeissi,Lecturer, Coventry University, UK

        Title:Preparation of a Supported Acidic Ionic Liquid on Silica-Gel and Its Application to the Synthesis of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking OilMr. Jin Li,Hainan University, China

        Session 702: Forest Ecology & BiodiversityTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under Preparation

        Title:Impacts of Mountain Bark Beetle Outbreak on Forest Biogeochemistry of a Lodgepole Pine Forest in Southern Wyoming, USAB. Borkhuu,University of Wyoming, USA

        Title:Under PreparationTim G. Holland,University of California, Berkeley, USA

        Title:Urban Forest Ecosystem and Its Services to Human WellbeingDr. Chee Hung Foo,Researcher, Makmal Kerja Raya Malaysia, Malaysia

        Title:Soil Acidification along Urban-Rural Gradient in the Pearl River DeltaJuan Huang,Research Assistant, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

        Session 703: Grassland and Natural Resource ManagementTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Session 704: Landscape Restoration and AgroforestryTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Innovations in Improving Seed Use in Global Restoration

        Title:Ph and Eh Effects on Phosphorus Fate in Constructed Wetland’S Sludge Surface DepositDr. Boram Kim,Associate Professor, University of Lyon, France

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Max Meulemann,Associate, The Boston Consulting Group, Switzerland

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Tein McDonald,General Board Member, Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia, New Zealand

        Time: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Global Horticulture: Innovations in Small-Scale Agriculture: Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture on a Global Level - The World Neighbors ExperienceDr. Kate Schecter,President and CEO, World Neighbors, USA

        Title:Acacia Trees on the Cultural Landscapes of the Red Sea Hills in Egypt and SudanDr. Joseph J. Hobbs,Professor and Chair of The Department, University of Missouri, USA

        Title:The Unique Endozoochorical Dispersal System of a Desert Plant (Ochradenus Baccatus): How Fruit Chemistry Affects Dispersal EfficiencyDr. I. Izhaki,Professor, University of Haifa, Israel

        Title:Optimization of Cultural Practices in a Multi-Objective Framework via a Simple Mechanistic Model for Carbon assimilation and allocation in fruit treesMr. Daniele Bevacqua,INRA, France

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Judith M Tisdall,Senior Lecture, La Trobe University, Australia

        Title:Regulation of senescence and abscission in ornamentals by plant hormones: Horticultural use and mode of actionDr. Shimon Meir,Researcher, The Volcani Center, Israel

        Time: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Zebra Fish : A Biological Model Organism

        Title:Under PreparationPrathapachandra Shetty,Executive Director, Emirates Star Fisheries, UAE

        Title:Developing Community-Based Models for Enhancing Wild, Commercial Shellfish Using Aquaculture Methods in the Gulf of Maine (eastern North America)."Dr. Brian F. Beal,Professor, University of Maine at Machias and Downeast Institute, USA

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Aleksander Handa,Research Manager, SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, Norway

        Title:A Novel Method for inducing Sterility in FishDr. Samy Yehya El-Zaeem,Professor, Alexandria University, Egypt

        Time: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:The 21st Century Challenge: To Feed 10 Billion People Securely, Sustainably and SafelyDr. Malcolm Elliott,Professor, The Norman Borlaug Institute for Global Food Security, UK

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Joslashrgensen,Professor and Director, Aarhus University, Denmark

        Title:Drought Tolerant Species Dominate Despite Regreening in the west African SahelDr. Hendrik Hanke,Georg-August-Universität Gottingen, Germany

        Session 1101: Agricultural Production SystemsTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Agriculture, energy and global food securityDr. Guangnan Chen,Associate Professor, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

        Title:Traditional Agricultural Practices Engaged by Native Americans Prior and Following Contact with Europeans Here in the Western Hemisphere.Dr. Jay Hansford C. Vest,Professor, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, USA

        Title:Environmental Costs and Productivity of European AgricultureDr. Carla Antonini,Associate Professor, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

        Title:Present Scenario of Agriculture and Aqua Culture in South East Coast of IndiaDr. Muthukumarasamy Srinivasan,Professor, Annamalai University, India

        Title:Agricultural Extension Services to Foster Production Sustainability for Food and Cultural Security of Glutinous Rice Farmers in GMSMs. Patcha Sattaka,Lecturer, Kasetsart University, Thailand

        Title:Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to Soil Analysis for Crop Production Optimization in Precision FarmingDr. Kennedy Mutange Senagi,Ph. D. Stusent, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya

        Session 1102: Agro-technical ProcessesTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Water Quality in the Urban Fringe of Gridhumal River, Madurai- A Case StudyDr. V. Kumar,Regents Professor, ACampRI, India

        Title:Geoelectrical Exploration in the south Al Qantara Shark Area for Supplementary Irrigation Purposes�C Sinai �C EgyptDr. Mostafa Said Barseem,Assistant Professor, Desert Research Center, Egypt

        Session 1103: Bioprocess and BiosystemsTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:HPLC and Ion Chromatographic Determination of Catechins, Caffeine, Inorganic Anions and Chemical Speciation of Selected Multi- Trace Metal Ions in Green Tea Infusion in Boiled WaterDr. M.S. El-Shahawi,Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

        Title:Numerical Analysis on the Influential Factors of Coal Gasification Performance in Two-Stage Entrained Flow GasifierDr. Sunel Kumar,Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University, China

        Session 1104: Forest Product ProcessingTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Session 1105: Biofuel and Bioenergy ProductionTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:High Value Chemical Commodities from Agricultural Waste and Byproducts Using Catalytic Pyrolysis

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Ed Lehrburger,President, PureVision Technology, Inc., USA

        Title:Biomass and Biogas for Sustainable Energy Generation: Recent Development and PerspectivesDr. Abdeen Mustafa Omer,Associate Researcher, Energy Research Institute (ERI), UK

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Harinder P.S. Makkar,Professor, University of Hohenheim, Germany

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Pablo Vera,Profesor, Instituto de Biolog��a Molecular y Celular de Plantas, Spain

        Title:Macauba: The New Energy Crop for Biofuel and Bioenergy Production in Tropical AreaDr. Anderson Barbosa Evaristo,Fundacao Universidade do Tocantins��Unitins, Brazil

        Session 1201: Global Warming & AgricultureTime: 13:30-17:35, September 15, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. Yu-e Li,Professor,Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, China

        Title:Community Resilience and Agricultural Production in the Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: The Implications of Climate Change, Land Use, Sociodemographic Changes, and GeopoliticsDr. Guangqing Chi,Associate Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

        Title:Under PreparationMs. Noelle Phares,Manager, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, USA

        Title:The Observed Change in Extreme Climate over East Asia over the Last Five to Six DecadesDr. Guo-Yu Ren,Professor, National Climate Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Makarius C.S. Lalika,University of Antwerp, Belgium

        Session 1202: Natural Disasters Prevention and Control in AgricultureTime: 08:30-12:10, September 16, 2017 (Saturday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Climate Change Status in Some Parts of South Africa: Implications for the Agriculture SectorDr. Phokele Maponya,Project Manager, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa

        Title:Territory, monoculture and Environmental Sustainability: The Case of the geographic valley of the River Cauca, ColombiaDr. Hernando Uribe Castro,Professor, Universidad Aut��noma de Occidente, Colombia

        Title:Evolution Models of Soil Erosion after Wild FiresDr. Jonas O.P. Souza,Professor, Universidade Federal da Para��ba, Brazil

        Session 1203: Agricultural Waste ManagementTime: 13:30-17:35, September 16, 2017 (Friday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Under PreparationDr. ,Professor & Director, Murdoch University, Australia

        Title:Time-dependent Effect of Organic Matter on Soil SafetyDr. Yungui Li,Lecturer,Southwest University of Science and Technology, China

        Title:Turning Waste into Resources-The Integrating Role of Energy RecoveryMr. Dickson Kihereko,Engineer,Kenyatta University, Kenya

        Session 1204: Eco-agriculture and Agricultural Biodiversity ConservationTime: 08:30-12:10, September 17, 2017 (Sunday); Place: Shenyang International Exhibition Center, China

        Title:Riparian Zone Management for Water Quality Protection in Agricultural Settings

        Title:Under PreparationMs. Imelda Bacudo,Senior Regional Advisor, GAP CC, Germany

        Title:Under PreparationMr. Maria Ching Villanueva,Researcher, IFREMER, France




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