◆ 会议时间:2019年10月10-13日 ◆ 会议地点:美国 芝加哥
◆ 会议简介:
心血管代谢健康大会(CMHC)于2006年10月在波士顿启动,现已发展成为美国最大的专注于心血管代谢风险管理及心血管与代谢疾病预防的多学科会议。CMHC拥有10余年的历史,汇集了糖尿病、肥胖症和心血管疾病领域的专家,分享想法并促进合作。CMHC提供现场会议和在线教育项目。CMHC波士顿大会于每年10月举办,有超过1300名多学科健康专业人士参加,他们寻求相关解决方案并融入他们的临床实践中。2015年,CMHC扩展到包括CMHC区域会议系列,聚焦美国各城市的前沿教育,以及CMHC West:从东到西推进心血管代谢健康。
The Cardiometabolic Health Congress is the largest multidisciplinary conference focused solely on the management of cardiometabolic risk and the prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. The 3 ½- day event offers today's busy healthcare professionals the opportunity to further clinical education, network with likeminded healthcare professionals, and receive education that can immediately be integrated into practice.
Session topics include - Risk Factors for Dyslipidemia, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease - The Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Obesity and CVD - Diet Quality, Quantity, and Beyond in Cardiometabolic Disorders - Insulin and Non-Insulin Therapies for Diabetes Management - Challenging Patient Cases in Hypertension, Cardio-renal, and Heart Failure
注册费: Physician* $595 (REGISTER BY: 8/31/2019) $795 (REGISTER BY: 10/01/2019) Allied Health Professionals $495 (REGISTER BY: 8/31/2019) $695 (REGISTER BY: 10/01/2019) Fellows/ Residents/ Students* $195 (REGISTER BY: 8/31/2019) $295 (REGISTER BY: 10/01/2019) Industry $895 (REGISTER BY: 8/31/2019) $1095 (REGISTER BY: 10/01/2019) *Must submit proof of residency, fellowship or student ID
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。