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2014中国电子信息节能环保高峰论坛 已过期

发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票




        8:20-8:50 报到 Register
        9:00-9:05 介绍嘉宾 Introduction guests
        主持人: 中国电子质量管理协会       秦立东副秘书长 Mrs. Qin Lidong, Toastmaster: Deputy Secretary-General China Qulity Management Association for Electronics Industry
        时间 Time 发言主题 Subject 拟邀嘉宾 VIP Participants intend to invite
        9:05-9:15 欢迎致辞 Welcome Speech  赵波院长,中国电子技术标准化研究院 
        Mr. Zhao Bo, Dean of China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI)
        9:15-9:30 领导讲话:电子信息产业在世界经济格局不断变化的背景下所面临的机遇和挑战
        Leadership speech: Opportunities and challenges in the world of electronic information industry, facing the changing economic
        Division leaders of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)
        9:30-9:45 领导讲话:电子信息行业节能与资源综合利用形势.任务及重点工作 
        Leadership speech: Situation, tasks and priorities of electronic information industry, energy and resource utilization
        Department leaders of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization (MIIT)
        9:45-10:25 报告题目:节能环保鼓励政策及中国RoHS.WEEE最新进展 
        Title of speech: The latest developments and incentives of Energy saving, China RoHS & WEEE
        内容提要:1.国家节能环保鼓励政策; 2.中国RoHS.WEEE最新进展 
        Summary: 1.Incentives of energy saving; 2.The latest developments of China RoHS .WEEE
        交流答疑 Q & A
        Department leaders of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Energy Saving and Comprehensive Utilization (MIIT)
        10:25-11:05 报告题目:化学品管控现状及展望 
        Title of speech: Status and Prospect of chemicals management control
        内容提要:1.危险化学品.新化学物质管控现状及相关法规最新进展; 2.“十二五”后期工作思路及“十三五”展望 
        Summary: The status of the latest developments and related regulations of hazardous chemicals, and new chemicals control
        交流答疑 Q & A
        Mr. Zang Wenchao, Deputy chief engineer, the solid waste and chemicals management technology center of Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP)
        11:05-11:45 报告题目:废弃电器电子产品回收管理形势、任务及管理思路.任务及管理思路 
        Title of speech: The recycling situation, mission and management ideas of waste electrical and electronic products
        交流答疑 Q & A
        李嘉建处长  商务部流通发展司节能环保与回收促进处 
        Mr. Li Jiajian, Director of the department of development division of circulation and promote energy saving and recycling of Ministry of Commerce (MC)
        12:00-13:30                会议午餐 Lunch
        13:30-14:00 报告题目:废弃电器电子产品评估方法研究与目录调整重点产品 
        Title of speech: The evaluation methods to adjust the focus of the products’ catalog of waste electrical and electronic products
        内容提要:1.废弃电器电子产品评估方法; 2.目录调整重点产品 
        Summary: 1.the evaluation methods of waste electrical and electronic products
        交流答疑: Q & A
        田晖主任  中国家用电器研究院 
        Mrs. Tian Hui, Director of China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute

        交流答疑:Q & A

        王 旭  总经理
        Mrs. Wang Xu, General Manager of European Electrical and Electronics Industry
        14:40-15:10 报告题目:绿色供应链管理 
        Title of speech: The management of green supplying chain 
        交流答疑: Q & A
        朱永光  华为技术有限公司环保工作组负责人 
        Mr. Zhu Yongguang, the working group leader of Environmental of Huawei Technologies
        15:10-15:40 待定TBD 品牌服务机构 
        Brand Services
        15:40-16:10 待定TBD 知名整机.材料厂商 
        Well-known devices . material manufacturers
        16:10-16:40 报告题目:塑料的回收再利用 
        Title of speech: Recycling and reuses of plastic
        Summary: 1.Recycling technology and routing for recycling plastic; 2. Quality control for plastic recycling; 3.The characteristics and application of plastic recycled; 4.The status of recycling plastic; 5.Green products.
        交流答疑 Q & A
        杨超峰 主任金发科技 
        Mr. Yang Chaofeng, Director of Jinfa Technologies
        16:40-17:10 报告题目:如何应对气候变化挑战下的经营风险 
        Title of speech: The operational risk under climate change challenge
        交流答疑 Q & A
        孟凯 副总经理电子信息产品标准化国家工程实验室 
        Mr. Meng Kai, Deputy General Manager of Electronic Information Products of National Engineering Laboratory Standardization
        17:10-17:20 主办方领导总结讲话 
        Concluding Speech: Organizers leader
        杨智宝秘书长 中国电子质量管理协会   
        Mr. Yang Zhibao, Secretary-General of China Quality Management Association  for Electronics Industry  

        富士康科技集团是专业从事电脑、通讯、消费性电子、新能源、新材料、云运算服务等研发制造与通路并重的高新科技企业。在从“制造”迈向“科技”的转型历程中,富士康重点发展纳米科技、传热技术、纳米级量测技术、无线网络技术、绿色环保技术、CAD/CAE技术、光学镀膜技术、超精密复合/纳米级加工技术、SMT技术、网络芯片设计技术等,建立集团在精密机械与模具、半导体、计算机、液晶显示、通讯网路、e供应链技术、生化技术、新能源等产业领域的市场领先地位,进而成为机光电整合领域全球最重要的科技公司。 随着各国政府、社会对能源环境的约束日趋强化,富士康秉承“节能助转型,低碳葆长青”的绿色理念,积极开展环保实践,探索节能减排方案,减少能源成本支出,提升企业的绿色竞争力。 本次将参观富士康,并针对企业节能减排、绿色供应链管理等主题开展交流。
        (注:1.欢迎参观的嘉宾也针对节能环保的主题带来自己的经验分享; 2.参观的具体安排另行通知,人员按报名先后顺序取舍,感谢配合)
        Visit enterprise: Company of Foxconn. (Note: 1.Welcomes guests to visit, and shares their own experiences; 2. If there are any specific arrangement, will inform visits; will choice chronological in order of registration. Thanks cooperation)



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