2019 Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks (WOCN)
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2019 Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks (WOCN)已过期 |
The main goal of this annual conference is to bring together scientists and engineers who work in these fields from different geographical locations. The 2018 IEEE and IFIP International Conference will be held during 26th, 27th and 28th of September 2019 in Bhopal India. WOCN2019 is aimed at stimulating technical exchange in the emerging and important field of Optical, mobile and wireless communications and networks.
WOCN2019 seeks to address and capture highly innovative and state of the art research and work in the wireless and Optical research and industries. The scope of the conference includes a wide range of technical challenges in view of the growing interest for wireless access to Internet and the evolution of fourth and fifth generation wireless and cellular systems included ITU IMT/UMTS activities. The conference also accepts progress on IST European Commission funded research projects. The Authors can present their finding on wireless quality of service, resource management, Ad Hoc and sensor networks. Radio interface design, adaptive antennas and arrays and indoor propagation, measurement and predictions also will be considered. A growing number of digital devices inside homes and the application of Ultra Wide Band (UWB), as well as Spectrum efficiency and low power consumption including low cost and secure wireless personal access are some of the areas to be considered in this conference.
WOCN2019 is seeking papers in the area: Photonic devices and integration, Optoelectronic integration including devices and materials, Optical networks and transmission systems, Novel fibers and fiber-based devices, Transmission systems and networks, Photonics sensors and sensor networks, Microwave photonics and optical signal processing.
Optical communications networks are becoming increasingly important as the demand for high capacity links are required. Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is widely deployed at the core networks to accommodate high capacity transport systems. Optical components, such as optical amplifier, tunable filters, transceivers, termination devices and add-drop Multi-Plexers are becoming more affordable and reliable.
- Disaster Recovery and Management in Rural Areas
- Health Service Development and Management
- Cloud Computing
- Cyber Security
- Business, Finance and Economy
- Governance and Government Policy
- Education, Humanities, Social Sciences
- Medicine and Health Care
- Big Data Management and Application
- Mobile Communications and Mobility
- Mobile Planet
- Internet-of-Things IOT
- Smart Grid Communications
- Impact of 4G and 5G on Rural Communications
- Green Communications
- Game Theory and its Application
- Wireless Communications and Networking
- Cognitive Green Radio Communications
- Optical Communications and Networking
- Information and Communications Technologies
- Simulation, Modeling and Analysis and Performance Evaluations
- Network Management and Services
- Health Care and Home Networking
- E- and M- Commerce
- Satellite Communications Systems
- Optical Passive and Active Components and Devices
- Internet and IP Telephony and IPV6
- Architectures, Devices and Security and Privacy
- Nano-photonics and Bio-photonics
- Ultra Wide Band UWB and RFID
- Physical and Link Layers and Lower Layers of Protocols
- Higher Layers of Protocols, Application
- WLAN and Mobile WIMAX, 3G and 4G Systems
- Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Mesh Networks
- Peer-to-peer and Machine-to-Machine Communications
- Quality of Service and Traffic Management and Characterization
- MIMO and Beam Forming and OFDM
- Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
- Military Application of Communications and Information Security
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Internet Applications
- Application of Information and Communications Technologies
- Design of Smart Cities and Social Networking
- Delay Tolerant, Fault Tolerant and Reliable Communication
- Remote e-Hospital, e-Ambulance Communications
- Communication Systems Technologies and Services for Crisis and Disaster Management