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2018 CTCS 第五届“智能出行” 企业差旅合规高峰论坛

2018 CTCS 第五届“智能出行” 企业差旅合规高峰论坛已过期

发票类型:增值税专用发票 增值税普通发票
领取方式:会后快递 会前快递
发票内容: 会议费 会务费 会议服务费


        2018 CTCS 第五届“智能出行” 企业差旅合规高峰论坛

        In 2018, the scale of China's business travel market will exceed 230 billion yuan. With the rapid expansion of the business travel market, more and more enterprises have begun to choose to cooperate with business travel service providers.

        Travel and expense compliance management has been paid more and more attention by Chinese companies. Effective management and control of travel expenses has become one of the important means for Chinese companies to improve compliance, reduce costs, improve operational efficiency and safe travel. From this we believe that even in the face of enormous challenges, the Chinese travel and expense management market will usher in a new boom in the new year. In 2018, digitalization, consumerization, globalization and intelligence will become the four driving forces for the development of China's travel and expense management market.

        For many international airlines, hotel chains and travel management companies, travel payment providers, China has become the focus of its global strategic expansion. On the other hand, innovations in new technologies, new applications, and new models are constantly impacting the entire process of business travel and the practice of corporate travel management. In this ever-changing business environment, various parties to business travel – travel suppliers, travel management companies and corporate customers, travel agencies, etc., use technological innovation to improve the cost of travel while improving millennials’ business travelers. The travel experience will be the theme of this summit forum.





        部分支持媒体:环球世界Premium-traveler; 旅业面对面 i2i Travel; 《M&C CHINA商旅圈》M&C China; 中外会展;旅游会展;环球世界杂志;iChainnel ;旅行者杂志;全景德国杂志;旅业链接;《商务奖励旅游》杂志;旅行社资讯网;品橙旅游网;中国经济网;活动行;manbext客户端下载;艾瑞网;36氪;第一财经;搜狐;新浪;网易



        It aims to recognize advanced and encourage new students and set a new benchmark for the development of the industry. Provide quality examples for technology innovation and management innovation third-party suppliers. Leading new opportunities for business cooperation.




        上海虹桥锦江大酒店 上海虹桥锦江大酒店

        上海虹桥锦江大酒店坐落于虹桥开发区,方便到达市中心和虹桥机场, 亦可由高架轻松抵达浦东国际机场。酒店拥有五百余间温馨且风格迥异的客房,其个性化的客房装修及设施给您一种家外之家的温馨感觉。


        标签: 差旅 智能出行

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