◆ 会议时间:2019年11月6-10日 ◆ 会议地点:美国 国家海港/National Harbor
◆ 会议简介:
The SITC Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs brings together stakeholders across the cancer immunotherapy field to advance the science, discover breakthroughs and educate the world on cancer immunotherapy. As the largest conference solely focused on cancer immunotherapy, the Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs provides international leaders from academia, regulatory and government agencies, as well as industry representatives with a multidisciplinary educational and interactive environment focused on improving outcomes for all cancer patients.
March 26Member registration open April 9General attendee registration open April 9Abstract submission and late-breaking abstract application open April 9Ancillary event applications open Aug. 1Abstract submission and late-breaking abstract application closes Aug. 23Late-breaking abstract submission period open Sept. 6Exhibit booth reservation deadline Sept. 6Branding and advertising commitment deadline Sept. 6Ancillary event applications deadline Sept. 12Late-breaking abstract submission period closes Oct. 9Discounted early registration deadline Oct. 14Housing reservation deadline Oct. 14Pre-registration mailing lists available Nov. 7Exhibitor move-in Nov. 9–10Exhibitor move-out Nov. 25Post-Annual Meeting mailing lists available
SITC 2019 注册费/Annual Meeting • Nov. 7 – 10
Annual Meeting (Fri, Sat, Sun) |
Early Registration Fee
Regular Registration Fee
Onsite Registration
Members (Academic/Clinic/Non-Industry/Non-Industry Pharmacist): |
Members (Government) |
Members (Student/Non Industry Nurse/Patient/Caregiver/Patient Advocate): |
Members (Foundation/Non-Profit/Patient Advocacy Organization): |
Members (Industry - Includes Industry Nurse and Industry Pharmacist): |
Members (Consultant/Small Biotech [50 or less company employees]): |
Non-Members (Academic/Clinic/Non-Industry/Non-Industry Pharmacist): |
Non-Members (Government) |
Non-Members (Student*/Nurse/Patient/Caregiver/Patient Advocate): |
Non-Members: (Foundation/Non-Profit/Patient Advocacy Organization): |
Non-Members (Industry Includes Industry Nurse and Industry Pharmacist): |
Non-Members (Small Biotech/Consultant [50 or less company employees]): |
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。